Welcome to mindfullish!
You’re eager to learn more, that’s awesome! I’m eager to share!
What’s this all about?
mindfullish is how I define my approach to life. It covers the way I think and how I write. The theme of my writing is mindful reflection on how my life is going. I trend towards the topics that fascinate me and that I feel compelled to share. Those topics include:
Solopreneur/Entrepreneurship - I’m building my own business, from scratch. The focus of my business is creating and offering solutions for others who struggle with the same issues as me. I’ll get into that below.
Mental Health & ADHD - I’ve survived for years with ADHD, living on auto-pilot. That doesn’t work when starting a business, so I’m actively working on systems to empower my productivity without getting depressed, anxious or overwhelmed.
Writing, Newsletters, Offerings, Productivity - There are a slew of topics that will float on top of those two previous big ones. I’ll write about my wins, losses, lessons, tools and systems that produce favorable results.
Human Potential - This might be self-improvement, but sometimes it’s amazing things that humans have done or that they can do. Too broad to try to summarize here though.
I invite you to subscribe if these topics are up your alley, and you want to join a tribe of like-minded readers and writers who want to thrive in spite of a neurodivergent diagnosis like Autism, ADHD or any of the others.
What do I offer?
You’ll get authentic weekly updates on my life, if that matters to you. I’ll write about how to succeed as an entrepreneur, tools to simplify your life and systems or techniques that are catered towards managing life and business as a person with ADHD.
My writing will be authentic, sincere and helpful. My ear will be open to others perspectives. I want to learn from you, and I want to help you.
I’ll write 2-3 times a week, typically Monday and Wednesday.
Why should I pay for a subscription?
While I’d love for you to pay because you feel like supporting me, I also recognize that life doesn’t always work like that. As I mentioned, I’m starting a business, I’m being an entrepreneur, to that end, there are tiers of subscription to consider:
Free - You’ll get notified or get an email when a new post is made and get access to at least part of every post.
Paid - You’ll get access to the ‘below the fold’ content. Most posts will have some advice or tips, with a Paid subscription there will be more advice offered or more depth explained for the provided tips.
Annual - This is functionally the same as Paid, but there is a 20% discount for the commitment.
Founder - A founder gets access to some of my offerings as they become available, or discounts on larger offerings. It will typically be Notion templates, Self-Paced Courses, Member Challenges and E-Books.
*mindfullish isn’t capitalized because I like to pretend I’m as cool as e.e. cummings sometimes.